Бөөний үнэ Samsung SSD 1TB 990 PRO Reddit PCIe Gen 4.0 x4 Дотоод SSD MZ-V9P1T0B-IT
Таны тооцоолох туршлагыг нэмэгдүүлэхэд бэлэн байна? Elevate your system’s performance with the Samsung 990 PRO 1TB PCIe Gen 4.0 x4 Internal SSD. Үнийн талаар асууж, тохиргооныхоо жинхэнэ боломжийг нээхийн тулд бидэнтэй яг одоо холбогдоно уу.
Самсунг 990про бөөний хямд үнээр хаанаас авах вэ?
Нэмэх Whatsapp+(86)1919-569-2639 Зөвхөн өнөөдөр хамгийн сайн үнийг аваарай!
Samsung 990 PRO 1TB PCIe Gen 4.0 x4 (Maximum Transfer Rate 7,450MB/s) NVMe M.2 (2280) Дотоод SSD MZ-V9P1T0B-IT
Таны тооцоолох туршлагыг нэмэгдүүлэхэд бэлэн байна? Elevate your system’s performance with the Samsung SSD 1TB 990 PRO 1TB PCIe Gen 4.0 x4 Internal SSD. Үнийн талаар асууж, тохиргооныхоо жинхэнэ боломжийг нээхийн тулд бидэнтэй яг одоо холбогдоно уу.
Samsung SSD 1TB-ийн бөөний хямд үнийг хаанаас авах вэ 990 Pro ?
Нэмэх Whatsapp+(86)1919-569-2639 Зөвхөн өнөөдөр хамгийн сайн үнийг аваарай!
- Samsung-ийн хадгалах багтаамж хэд вэ 990 PRO SSD MZ-V9P1T0B-IT?
- Самсунг 990 PRO offers a substantial digital storage capacity of 1 терабайт (сүрьеэ), ensuring ample space for your data and applications.
- What type of interface does the Samsung SSD 1TB 990 Pro use?
- SSD нь NVMe-г ашигладаг (Тогтворгүй санах ойн экспресс) интерфейс, which is known for its high-speed data transfer capabilities.
- What’s the connectivity technology used by the Samsung SSD 1TB 990 Pro?
- The SSD uses NVMe connectivity technology, which ensures efficient communication between the SSD and the rest of your system.
- Which brand manufactures the Samsung SSD 1TB 990 Pro?
- SSD-ийг Samsung үйлдвэрлэдэг, a well-known and reputable brand in the tech industry.
- Are there any special features with this Samsung SSD 1TB 990 Pro?
- Тиймээ, the SSD comes with a special feature: it includes a warranty for 5 years, түүний гүйцэтгэл, найдвартай байдлын талаархи сэтгэлийн амар амгаланг хангах.
- What is the form factor of the Samsung 1TB 990 PRO?
- The SSD has a compact form factor of 3.26 инч, янз бүрийн системийн тохиргоонд тохиромжтой болгодог.
- How would you describe the type of storage technology Samsung 990 PRO 1TB used?
- SSD нь дараах байдлаар тодорхойлогддог “Хатуу төлөвт хөтөч,” indicating that it uses solid-state storage technology, Энэ нь уламжлалт механик хатуу дисктэй харьцуулахад илүү хурдан бөгөөд удаан эдэлгээтэй байдаг.
- Is this SSD Samsung 1TB 990 PRO compatible with desktop computers?
- Тиймээ, the SSD is compatible with desktop devices, making it a great choice for upgrading or building a high-performance desktop setup.
- How is the SSD installed?
- SSD нь дотоод суурилуулалтанд зориулагдсан, meaning it’s intended to be installed inside your computer’s casing.
- What is the color of the SSD?
- The SSD comes in a sleek black color.
- What are the maximum read and write speeds of the SSD 990 PRO 1TB?
- The SSD boasts impressive maximum transfer rates of 7,450MB/s for reading data and 6,900MB/s for writing data, ensuring fast data access and transfer.
- What is the interface version used by the 990 PRO Samsung 1TB?
- The SSD uses the NVMe 2.0 интерфейс, which operates on the PCIe Gen 4.0 x4 протокол, further enhancing its speed and performance.
- What is the intended use of this SSD MZ-V9P1T0B-IT?
- The SSD is specifically designed for high-end users, тоглоомчид, and professionals who require top-tier performance and reliability from their storage solution.
- What kind of warranty is included with the SSD 1TB 990 PRO Reddit ?
- The SSD is backed by a 5-year warranty, indicating the manufacturer’s confidence in its quality and durability. The warranty includes coverage for up to 600TB of Total Bytes Written (TBW) within a specific time frame.